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My Why
My ultimate why, the reasons I get up in the morning is to try and make even a small dent in my dream:
When I leave this Earth I will have advanced humankind's knowledge of the Universe, and our planet Earth will be a more peaceful, inclusive, and safe place for everyone.

Astronomy Doctoral Candidate - Vanderbilt University
Neurodiversity Inspired Science and Engineering Fellow
Project Coordinator - Frist Center for Autism and Innovation
Telescope System Specialist - UK Infrared Telescope
Autism Self-Advocate (Autism/ADHD/OCD)
Podcast Host
Dog Mum
Robo-AO Kepler Asteroseismic Survey. I. Adaptive Optics Imaging of 99 Asteroseismic Kepler Dwarfs and Subgiants
Robo-AO Kepler Asteroseismic Survey. II. Do Stellar Companions Inhibit Stellar Oscillations?
Astronomy Research
FluxCT: A Web Tool for Identifying Contaminating Flux in Kepler and TESS Target Pixel Files
The APO-K2 Catalog. I. 7,673 Red Giants with Fundamental Stellar Parameters from APOGEE Spectroscopy and K2 Asteroseismology
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